获得经验 & 机会


你的第一站是握手! Connect to open positions and many types of opportunities, both on- and off-campus.


为学生提供非全日制工作资助,以帮助符合资格的学生支付高等教育的费用. 所有可用的FWS职位都在握手中发布

FWS资金不会自动应用到你的学生账户. Funds must be earned through employment in an eligible FWS position within the university.

A current FWS Award offer is required to apply for all FWS positions. 奖学金并不能保证在学校里获得职位, but instead opens an additional pool of positions available to you on campus.


职业发展服务 partners with all campus departments for FWS allocations. 每个职位都张贴在 握手 申请人是由工地直接招聘和雇用的. 如欲查询空缺职位,请登入 握手 并搜索“FWS”职位.

“美国阅读”和“美国计数”是联邦政府资助的项目,为社区提供导师, 包括当地的小学. 通过帮助学生提高阅读/识字和数学技能,成为榜样,发展未来. 如欲查询空缺职位,请登入 握手 并搜索“FWS”职位.


社区服务职位允许你在当地社区选定的非营利组织或政府机构工作,同时获得勤工俭学奖. 如欲查询空缺职位,请登入 握手 并搜索“FWS”职位.


利用你的FWS奖在校园实习经验.  即将到来的2024年秋季!  可用职位将在握手中发布.

学习和赚取优势计划是一个 校内工作计划 该计划允许符合条件的本科新生有机会在秋季和春季学期在校园内通过兼职工作赚钱并获得宝贵的与工作相关的技能, 职场技能课程, 以及领导力和职业发展研讨会. 获得LEAP奖学金的学生可以选择申请并从事LEAP工作,以赚取其经济援助计划中所示的LEAP资金. 请注意,收到奖励并不能保证LEAP工作.

LEAP工作岗位平均每周工作10-15小时 所有 over campus (except working directly with food service or university maintenance). 要查找可用的职位,请登录 握手门户 搜索“LEAP position”." 最靠谱的网赌软件了解更多信息.


  • 接受LEAP奖
  • 接受LEAP Job
  • 注册或成功完成UNIV 130 工作技能 LEAP项目第一学期的课程
  • 留在 良好的学术地位 和接收 积极的工作评价 每学期向他们的直接导师咨询

对于数量有限的成功的LEAP参与者来说,LEAP II是LEAP进入大二的延续.

LEAP II为二年级本科生(真正的大二学生)提供实习前工作经验的机会. Jobs are related to your field of interest with hands on guidance from on campus supervisors. 你必须已经成功完成了新生的LEAP项目,并且平均绩点保持在2分以上.3.

这项勤工俭学计划是退伍军人事务部为争取大学学位的军人提供的教育福利, 职业证书, 或者从3 / 4到全职. In this assistance program, financial aid is traded in return for volunteering personal time. Most work-study assignments include completing and processing paperwork, 协助招聘服务, 在医疗机构工作, 以及其他常见的退伍军人职责. 更多信息可在 va.政府.

一边学习一边赚钱,领取退伍军人事务部勤工俭学津贴. 联络兽医及雇员 申请这些教育福利.

实习 & 合作教育(合作社s)

君主实习 & 在最靠谱的网赌软件,带薪实习办公室是支持以工作为基础的学习计划的中心单位. 他们为学生提供建议和支持, 与雇主合作, and work with academic departments to expand work-based learning curricula. For more information, please contact the 君主实习 and 合作社 Office at 757-683-5627, internship@aproteka.com, aproteka.com/internship, or visit the 办公室 at 1000 Webb Center, 我的day ——星期五day, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.


Jobs in the dining halls or any other eating establishments on campus would fall under Aramark. For positions with Aramark and for positions at the Chartway Arena, please visit ODU的附属就业网页.

查看你的获奖通知 金融援助 or 狮子座在线. 提交FAFSA表格申请经济援助的符合条件的学生将获得FWS金额,以接受或拒绝旧道明大学经济援助办公室的资助.

FWS由财政援助根据您完成的FAFSA确定的经济需求授予. 资格由许多因素决定. If you are awarded FWS you will see the award in your 金融援助 Package. 在LEO网上查看你的经济援助计划. FWS will be listed with any other 奖助金 or loans issued by 金融援助.

所有联邦工作研究的职位都在握手发布. 有很多 学生就业计划 赢得你的奖项. If you need help in creating and saving your job search, visit our 职业共用 寻求职业教练的帮助. As with all positions in 握手, a resume is required for application. We have Career Coaches to assist you, but to get started; here are some 简历样本 作为向导使用!

不,你不需要完成FAFSA在校园里工作. 然而, 有数百个校园工作机会提供给已经完成FAFSA的学生. Filling out your FAFSA may provide you with additional opportunities for Federal aid; including loans, 奖助金, 以及联邦工作研究奖. 联邦勤工俭学工作需要奖学金才能申请, 但你有资格申请校园学生小时工职位,而不需要奖学金或FAFSA申请.

我们所有的职位都在握手网站上公布了. 所有攻读学位的学生都有一个帐户,可以使用君主密钥登录他们的MiDAS ID和密码访问握手. In 握手, just upload your resume and this will allow you to apply to jobs! 如果你没有简历,我们有 提示和示例 让你开始,职业教练可以帮助你.

Although a FAFSA is not required, we encourage you to fill one out through 金融援助; 你可能有资格获得联邦援助,这将使你有资格获得联邦勤工俭学工作,从而扩大你的校园工作机会网.

Different positions have different processes to apply for the positions. 有关申请的细节将在招聘广告中提及. One way to prepare yourself for the process would be to develop a basic general resume. We have Career Coaches to assist you, but to get started; here are some 简历样本 作为向导使用!

Once in the 狮子座在线 金融援助 review screen, choose accept (or decline) for the FWS offer. 一旦接受了, FWS awards must be earned and eligibility must be maintained; FWS奖励不会自动应用到您的学生帐户.


  1. 登录 握手
  2. In the "Position Type" Drop down menu, select "Federal Work Study (FWS)"
  3. 点击搜索
  4. 上传简历

All available positions are posted and new positions are added regularly. 如果找不到合适的职位, please save a job 搜索 Agent to receive an automated job update:

  • 选择“高级搜索” 选项卡保存、命名和提交您的搜索
  • 从“搜索代理”选项卡安排您的搜索

Application to Work Study Jobs is a similar process to application to any other position. 确保你的简历体现了你的技能. If you need any assistance, please visit the 职业共用 to discuss your resume.

FWS奖并不能保证就业. 和其他工作一样, FWS has a competitive hiring process and you will need to complete a FWS job search in 握手. There are a limited amount of FWS opportunities each semester, so apply early.

联系ODU学生就业 FWS@aproteka.com to learn more about what information you need and how to submit your forms.

联邦工作研究(FWS)和学习和赚取优势计划(LEAP)的相似之处在于,您需要提交FAFSA才能获得这些资金, 但在结构上有所不同. FWS positions are open to any qualified student in good standing with the University.

LEAP是ODU独特的新生就业计划,允许学生将学习与学习结合起来. ONLY freshman with a LEAP award are able to apply for open LEAP jobs. 这个项目的学生在校园的不同部门工作,他们可以在每周上课的同时获得薪水,这些课程将教授专业精神和其他职场准备技能. LEAP seeks to prepare students for the 实习 and careers after college. 了解雇主重视的技能,同时开发并将其应用到工作现场是该计划的基础. LEAP计划只面向新生. 有一个LEAP2项目,允许一些成功的LEAP1学生继续进入他们的大二.

LEAP 2计划允许大二学生在校园里工作,这将有助于培养与职业相关的技能,同时为学生在大二之后的实习或其他工作选择做好准备. Only sophomore students successfully completing the LEAP program are eligible for LEAP 2.

检查你的奖学金通知从财政援助. 提交FAFSA表格申请经济援助的符合条件的一年级本科生将获得旧道明大学经济援助办公室的LEAP金额,以接受或拒绝.

LEAP由财务援助根据您填写的FAFSA确定的财务需求授予. 资格由许多因素决定. If you are awarded LEAP you will see the award in your 金融援助 Package. 检查你在狮子座的经济援助计划. LEAP will be listed with any other 奖助金 or loans issued by 金融援助.

Once in the 狮子座在线 金融援助 review screen, choose accept (or decline) the LEAP offer. 一旦接受了, LEAP awards must be earned and eligibility must be maintained; LEAP awards are not automatically applied to your student account.

After you have accepted your LEAP award you would apply through the 握手门户. 握手是你的工作关系网, 实习, 以及专门针对ODU学生和校友的活动.


  • 登录 握手
  • 选择屏幕左侧的“我的工作”
  • 选择高级搜索
  • 在作业类型旁边-单击“学习” & 赚取优势计划(LEAP) - if you need any help, don't hesitate to email LEAP@aproteka.com 寻求帮助!
  • 用简历申请. If you need help in creating one the 职业发展服务 办公室 can help!!

LEAP奖 不能保证就业. 和其他工作一样, LEAP是一个竞争激烈的招聘过程,申请人可能会被要求与潜在的校园雇主进行面试. Specific jobs are reserved only for LEAP students and students that apply early often get hired. There are a limited amount of LEAP opportunities each semester, so apply early.

入门级 & 经验丰富的专业工作

雇主 post thousands of full-time and part-time jobs, 实习, and co-ops each year in 握手 毕业生及校友. 职业发展服务 hosts organizations from private industry, 政府机构, 武装部队, 以及一系列活动的公共教育:

  • 会话信息 offer up close and personal contact with employer representatives and ODU 校友
  • 人才招聘会往往会 open to all ODU students, 校友, immediate family, and local military personnel.
  • 校园面试 每年秋季和春季举行,雇主通常希望候选人在申请后2-8周内到岗


Are you seeking specific knowledge and skills necessary for a profession? Are you looking for work in a field different from your undergraduate major?

研究生学位可以提供这些证书, 增加晋升机会, 并提供转行所需的灵活性.

Many students once they have completed their undergraduate studies, 选择攻读研究生学位. 有些人决定毕业后立即继续, 而另一些人则先休息一下工作,探索自己的选择. 无论您属于哪个群体,我们都会在这里支持您的决定,并为您提供信息和资源,帮助您做出最适合您的决定.

职业发展服务可以帮助你,并可以帮助你联系资源,帮助你在你的决策过程中. Our 办公室 provides individual assistance and support in getting through the application process, 模拟面试, 各种相关主题的研讨会和项目.


在ODU, 研究生在小班授课,有专门的教师,他们是各自领域的专业人士. 我们的每个研究生课程都提供具有挑战性的课程以及极好的研究机会.