Worker's 补偿 离开

每 dhm政策4.60, employees incapacitated by an 受伤或疾病 caused by their job and whose claim has been approved by the insurance carrier, shall receive workers' compensation leave with pay to cover their absences. Coverage varies based on whether the employee is on the Traditional Accrual Sick 离开 plan or the VSDP sick leave plan.

Traditional Accrual Sick 离开 Program

The following only applies to employees hired before 1/1/1999 who selected the Traditional Accrual Sick 离开 Plan. Please note, requests for 无薪休假 are subject to the supervisor's approval.

For the the first 92 calendar days of absence, employees receive workers' compensation leave for the total period of absence.

后 92 calendar days, leave with pay may be extended for 60 work days.

后 60-Day Extension Ends
后 payment of the 60-day work supplement, for each workday missed, the employee will receive 2/3 workers' compensation leave. The employee may choose to charge 1/3 of their sick, annual or compensatory leave balance, or request 无薪休假 to cover the total period of absence.

For the the first 92 calendar days of absence, employees receive workers' compensation leave for the total period of absence.

后 92 calendar days, leave with pay may be extended for 60 work days.

后 60-Day Extension Ends
后 payment of the 60-day work supplement, for each workday missed, the employee will receive 2/3 workers' compensation leave. The employee may choose to charge 1/3 of their sick, annual or compensatory leave balance, or request 无薪休假 to cover the total period of absence.

维吉尼亚病 and Disability Program (VSDP)

员工 covered under the 维吉尼亚病 and Disability Program (VSDP) may receive short-term 残疾人福利 under VSDP. If the disability is due to a work-related injury compensable under the Virginia Workers' 补偿 Act, the VSDP short-term disability program provides the difference between what the employee receives under Workers' 补偿 and their short-term 残疾人福利.

员工 unable to work for more than 7 days should call the Reed Group at 1-877-928-7021; sick or other leave may be used during this week.

员工 can receive up to 125 work days of supplemental income replacement after the seven calendar day waiting period.

员工 unable to work for more than 7 days should call the Reed Group at 1-877-928-7021; sick or other leave may be used during this week.

员工 can receive up to 125 work days of supplemental income replacement after the seven calendar day waiting period.

smiling doctor and young man meeting at hospital

Doctor's Note Required

Workers' compensation leave cannot be recorded or compensated unless the employee provides a physician's verification that the absence from work was due to the job-related 受伤或疾病.

Part-Time 分类 员工

Part-time classified employees are also eligible for prorated workers' compensation leave. All the same policy and record keeping requirements apply for part-time classified employees.

员工生病 & 受伤

Explore FMLA, short-term disability, worker's compensation and more.