
建立在多年的成功之上, 最靠谱的网赌软件’s 研究处 adopts a center of centers model.

最靠谱的网赌软件’s 研究处 has established the Office of Enterprise 研究 and 创新 (OERI), unifying the University’s research centers and creating a well-defined collection of enterprise research capabilities.

OERI由Eric Weisel领导, senior associate vice president for enterprise research and innovation, whose broad oversight allows the University’s research centers to focus on their individual areas of expertise and expand their impact.

Eric Weisel, ODU's senior associate vice president for enterprise research and innovation

“的se research units are central to the University’s research growth model and depict the multilayered tapestry of ODU’s secure and public research infrastructure,韦塞尔说. “的 OERI’s organizational structure illustrates our continued support of the University’s longstanding goal to invest in and grow nationally impactful research concentrations organized into research institutes and centers.”

Weisel brings experience and insights in enterprise research advancement to the office, having served as executive director for ODU’s Virginia 建模, 分析, 和仿真中心(VMASC),从2017年到2023年.

“在韦塞尔的领导下, VMASC grew as a global leader in 建模与仿真,肯·弗里德利说, vice president for research and interim dean of the 巴顿工程学院 and 技术. “的 center’s continued success underscored the unique value of unifying research and commercial products.”

VMASC, 庆祝27年的成功和成长, will continue to embrace its status as a global leader in computational analytics, 建模与仿真. 的 center offers a preview of what the OERI hopes to achieve at a university and industry level for all research entities.

“What we have done is capitalize on VMASC’s experience to organize the OERI to match the way we have been doing business for years,韦塞尔说. “This structure arranges our senior leadership to better support researchers, reduces our daily managerial load and supports the OERI and its institutes and centers.”

的 OERI’s center of centers model facilitates multidisciplinary opportunities for students, 促进研究人员之间的更大合作, realigns research efforts with the ODU brand and enhances the opportunity to 分享 center resources.

研究 centers and institutes supported by the OERI are:

  • 维吉尼亚建模与仿真中心, ODU’s longstanding center of excellence in modeling, simulation and analysis.
  • Center for Secure and Intelligent Critical Systems (CSICS), which is involved with both fundamental and applied research in the areas of Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence, Secure and Intelligent NextG Infrastructure and Critical Infrastructure 弹性 Metrics.
  • Virginia Institute for 航天 and Autonomy (VISA), which aims to create interdisciplinary research opportunities that grow the spaceflight and autonomous systems industry.
  • 弗吉尼亚数字海事中心, which combines the capabilities of ODU’s very successful Maritime Industrial Base Ecosystem and Digital Ship programs into an interdisciplinary research center supporting Virginia’s maritime enterprise to advance the maritime workforce, foster collaborative partnerships and drive economic growth in Hampton Roads.
  • 任务工程中心, 哪个专注于设计领域的前沿研究, 分析, integrating and improving the ability of engineered systems to deliver desired effects.
  • 的 Institute for 沿海适应 and 弹性 (ICAR), which advances the practice of coastal resilience and adaptation by engaging with communities, organizations and businesses to develop and deploy solutions based on integrated, 创新与应用研究.

的 OERI also manages a robust portfolio of contracts and leads the University’s engagement in several formal partnerships such as the Systems Engineering 研究 Center (SERC), a 22-university Department of Defense (DoD) University Affiliate 研究 Center. Partnership with the SERC provides ODU faculty a pathway to collaborate with researchers at other SERC universities and allows opportunities for the University to complete contract work with the DoD and other federal agency sponsors.

“人权高专办还起到了倡导者的作用,”韦塞尔说. “Helping our research institutes and centers raise awareness and increase engagement opportunities, 对内对外. This work also includes close collaboration with government relations on legislative initiatives.”